Auto Guide English

Welcome to The Miracle Aneh Tapi Nyata, visitors can first download the Augmented Reality application from the Google Playstore and also the Auto Self Guided Tour from the Website on their respective Androids to make it easier for visitors to understand the narration per zone, while playing and learning in our museum rides.

The Miracle Aneh Tapi Nyata is the First Believe It Or Not in Indonesia, is an Interactive, communicative & educative Modern IT Museum Vehicle. With 7 exciting adventure zones in it including the Disaster Zone, Magic Garden Zone, Journey to the Galaxy Zone, Ancient Temple Zone, The Lost City Zone, The Most Zone and MURI (Indonesian World Record Museum).

Waitomo Caves

Welcome to the Waitomo Caves, before enjoying the excitement of the 7 other zones in this Strange But Real Miracle, please visitors can witness a replica of the beauty of the famous Waitomo Caves. This cave seems studded with stars, even though it is inside the earth. The name of this tourist attraction is the Waitomo Caves on the North Island of New Zealand. The location is about 220 kilometers south of Auckland. The uniqueness of the Waitomo Caves, which are studded with stars, is due to the Glow Worms that stick to the walls of the cave.

Disaster Zone

Currently we are in the first zone, namely DISASTER ZONE, a zone that introduces devastating disasters that have occurred in Indonesia and the world, please visitors who have downloaded Augmented Reality to be able to play it starting from the first zone here to the last zone in The Miracle Aneh Tapi Nyata.

Ring of Fire

Geographically, Indonesia is in the Pacific Ring of Fire or Pacific Ring of Fire which is a confluence of three world tectonic plates, such as the Indo-Australian Plate, the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate. Therefore, Indonesia is a country prone to disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

About 90 percent of all earthquakes and 80 percent of the world’s largest earthquakes occur along the ring of fire which, when they meet, can produce a huge pile of energy. It is around the meeting of these three plates that collision energy accumulates until it is no longer able to hold the pile of energy and finally the energy is released in the form of an earthquake.


Earthquakes are vibrations or vibrations that occur on the surface of the earth due to the sudden release of energy from within which creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are usually caused by the movement of the Earth’s crust. Earthquakes centered on the ocean floor and cause tsunamis.

Aceh Tsunami

The Aceh tsunami was a devastating disaster that occurred in Aceh on December 24, 2004, the magnitude of 9.7 on the righter scale claimed more than 250,000 lives. This disaster shocked the world so much that Indonesia raised its flag at half-mast as a symbol of mourning for one week.

Tsunamis are large sea waves triggered by underwater whirlpools due to plate shifts, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and falling meteors. Tsunamis can travel at very high speeds and can reach land with wave heights of up to 30 meters.

Extreme Drought

Extreme Drought in the Horn of Africa puts as many as 20 million people at risk of starvation. It hasn’t rained for the last three seasons. Without assistance, the population will be overwhelmed by the dry season, next March. Drought usually comes and goes. But in the Horn of Africa, the dry season has been going on for almost two years.

Photos of children walking across carcasses of thirsty animals are the most striking images of the drought that hit the region. As many as 20 million people are threatened with food and clean water crises.

Extreme Cold

Frequent sub-zero temperatures and heavy snowfall in several parts of the world, suggest this phenomenon is more than just winter. They occur because of the Polar Vortex or ‘Polar Vortex’ at the North Pole. The Polar Vortex is a phenomenon of cold, low-pressure airflow resembling a cyclone that continues to rotate in the Stratosphere layer which is usually found at the North Pole and the South Pole.

Mount Tambora Eruption

This volcanic eruption in Sumbawa is the most powerful volcanic eruption ever witnessed by humans. With more than 100 thousand people killed, the eruption which began on April 5, 1815, continued for four months, during which the mountain spewed more than 150 cubic kilometers of rock and magma which produced a 7-kilometer-long caldera. And destroyed 3 Kingdoms namely the Kingdoms of Tambora, Pekat & Sanggar.

Japan Earthquake

The 2011 Biggest Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in Tōhoku was a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 that generated tsunami waves as high as 10 meters. This earthquake was a magnitude 7 based on the Japan Meteorological Agency’s seismic intensity scale in northern Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. This earthquake killed thousands of people and caused enormous damage.

Next, we invite visitors to go on the Twister 6D ride, to be able to feel the sensation of the 7 Scala Richter EARTHQUAKE SIMULATOR, accompanied by a powerful tornado!!

We appeal to visitors who are pregnant, bringing Babies & Children Under 3 Years. Visitors who have a history of heart disease, or are currently wearing a pacemaker, or hearing aids in the ear, and those who have a history of anxiety disorders, should be able to PASS this vehicle…!!


Next, we will enter the Magical Garden Zone, a delightful Magical Garden with the Alice in Wonderland theme, accompanied by various Instagramable spots from the most unique, strangest, and largest Flora & Fauna from around the world.

Corpse Flower

Kibut or Giant Carrion Flower or Giant Suweg, Amorphophallus titanum Becc, is the largest and most foul-smelling flower commonly found in the middle of the forest, this rare plant comes from the endemic taro tribe from Sumatra, Indonesia, which is known as the plant with the largest flower in the world, the resulting stench can invite insects to land on flowers and get stuck in the mucus and become a source of protein for flowers.

Albino Giraffe

The White Giraffe is a rare and unique species because of its white body, its whiteness is not caused by an albino disease, but rather has a body condition called Leucism. This situation also causes partial loss of skin pigmentation. The birth of this white giraffe is a very rare birth because only 1 in 10 million giraffes births.

The Biggest Watermelon

This fruit that many people enjoy growing has also grown to be the largest fruit in the world. The owner, Lloyd Bright, is a lucky man who has managed to produce large watermelons. Lloyd’s watermelon weighs up to 122 kilograms. June 10, 2019, this is the largest watermelon grown in England.

Zeus – The Tallest Dog

Zeus is a Great Dane-type dog. He has a posture that is quite high for the size of a dog. At 44 Bu inches tall–to 7 feet 4 inches when standing on his two hind legs, Zeus was named the tallest dog in the world by the 2012 Guinness World Record.

The Biggest Darius Rabbit

Darius is a Continental Giant rabbit that holds the Guinness world record for being the largest rabbit in the world with a length of 1.2 meters. He eats 20 carrots a day.


Next, we will enter the third zone, namely the Journey to the Galaxy zone, please visitors be prepared to enter the 6D Outer Space Adventure Adventure Vehicle, which will take you through the universe and various planets in the solar system.
Please, while you are in the queue, ladies and gentlemen, you can play Augmented Reality in outer space that is available inside the walls of the Apollo Rocket plane. Pay attention to the PICTURES WHICH WILL BE INCLUDED PLEASE SCAN ME … open the application that has been downloaded from your gadget and immediately capture the 3D photos & videos.
We invite visitors to The Miracle to be able to choose the seats provided, and don’t forget to fasten your seat belts immediately, and enjoy the sensation of this exciting and thrilling space journey!!!

Galaxy Zone

The Solar System is a collection of celestial bodies consisting of a star called the Sun and all objects bound by its gravitational force, there are 8 planets recognized to orbit the sun or the center of the Solar System.


Earth is the third closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System. This planet also has the fifth largest size of the other planets. Earth is also land composed of rock, not a collection of gas giants like the planet Jupiter.


Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and is the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. Saturn is also a gas giant with an average radius of about 9 times that of Earth.


Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun. This planet has been extensively researched and is the subject of discussion by experts. The planet Mars has several nicknames, including the Red Planet and Planet Ares. It is called the Red Planet because of its reddish surface when viewed from afar.


An astronaut is a term for a person who has undergone training in a human space flight program to lead, fly an airplane, or become a space crew member.


Rockets are spacecraft, missiles, or flying vehicles that get a boost through the rocket’s reaction to the rapid release of fluid material from the output of the rocket engine.


Next, we will enter the Ancient Temple zone, an educational zone that is both fun and tense. Adventure in the ancient civilizations of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas, and get to know & better understand old tribal cultures from thousands of years ago. Searching for treasures as well as finding a way out of the tense Labyrinth, past the traps of old buildings from thousands of years ago, makes the visitors excited.


The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that conquered most of central Mexico in the late Middle Ages. This tribe is known for its military prowess and efficiency in terms of battle. It is not surprising then that the Aztecs were able to build a sprawling empire with more than 300 city-states before they were conquered by the Spanish in 1521.

The Aztec Trap

One of the traps of the Aztecs was a trap on a stepped rope, if there is an intruder in a certain room it will drop rocks from the top of the building.
Mexico is one of the most phenomenal civilizations in the world and ruled for a very long time, namely 300 years. Just like the Greeks and Romans, this tribe became the largest empire that ever ruled the plains of Mexico.
Finally, in the 1400s, with the invasion of the Spanish conquistadores, the last great Mesoamerican empire was able to subdue the Aztecs in the early 13th century. The Aztecs are known to have had a lot of influence on the lives of Mexican people even today.


The Mayans are a group of tribes living on the Yucatan Peninsula, Central America, which borders the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east.

Mayan Calendar

The end of the Mayan calendar had become a benchmark for the end of times, rumored to be Doomsday, the end of the Mayan calendar shocked the world because it ended in December 2012, and it turns out that December is the beginning of the new Mayan calendar.

The Incas

The Inca Empire or Tawantinsuyu was a kingdom located in what is now Peru from 1438 to 1533. The famous emperor was Pachacuti Yupanqui who came to power in 1436 for his successful conquest.

Machu Picchu Site of Inca Empire

Machu Picchu Is the most famous symbol of the Incan Empire. It was built around 1450, but abandoned a hundred years later when the Spanish conquered the Inca Empire. This site was forgotten by the international world, but not by the local people who really respected the old Inca culture as outlined in the Machu Picchu site.


Next, we arrive at zone 5, namely The Lost City Zone. We are in a submarine, where this submarine will take us around the ocean and look for cities that are lost in civilization and have sunk into the ocean, we can understand the rest of their civilization in this submarine expedition.

Shi Cheng City

The first lost city that we will meet is Shi Cheng City, Shi Cheng City is located 40 meters under the water of Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang province, China.

Unlike the stories of the lost Atlantis, the City of Shi Cheng, or what is now better known as Lion City, succumbed to a harsh reality, possibly due to a brutal attack and catastrophic climate change.

Yonaguni Monument

In 1987, a local diver exploring off the coast of the Ryukyu Islands in southern Japan made a surprising discovery. Twenty-five meters below sea level, he saw a series of nearly perfectly carved steps with neat, straight edges.

This discovery full of historical value is now known as the Yonaguni Monument. This 50m x 20m giant rock is one of the most unusual underwater sites in the world.
Nicknamed “Japan’s Atlantis”, the monument is shaped like a rectangular pyramid and is believed to be over 10,000 years old.
Some argue that this monument is the remnant of a long-lost Pacific civilization, possibly built by the Jomon people in prehistoric Japan, who inhabited the island as early as 12000 BC.


Next, we arrive at zone 6, namely The Most Unique zone, a zone that introduces the most unique humans in world history, humans who set a Guinness World Record record because of their unique body shape and differences from other humans.

Lee Redmond – The Woman with The Longest Nails in The World

The woman known as Lee Redmond has not even cut her nails for 41 years since 1979. So she has later crowned the woman with the world’s longest nails. He also entered the book Guinness World Records. Even she is still able to care for her sick husband with her long nails.

Fedor Jecthichew – Hairy Man

Fedor Adrianovich Jeftichew, better known as Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy, was a renowned Russian spectator who toured Europe with his father, ‘The Wild Man from the Kostroma Forest’, in 1873 and was brought to the United States. in 1884 by PT Barnum.

Rick Genest

Rick Genest, also known as Zombie Boy, is an artist, actor, fashion model, and musician from Kanafa. He holds the Guinness World Record because his body is covered in tattoos.

Sultan Kosen

Sultan Kösen (born 10 December 1982) is the tallest living person according to the Guinness World Record at 2.51 meters. He has a tumor in the pituitary gland. Kösen lives with his parents and three brothers and sisters who are all of the normal height. He was unable to finish school because he was too tall and he worked part-time as a farmer. He has an easygoing lifestyle and often plays computer games with his friends.

7⁷He Ping Ping

He ping ping is the world’s shortest man. He is only 74 cm tall and is the third child of a family in Huade county, in the city of Ulanqab in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. He has two sisters, both of whom are developing at a normal pace. According to his father, He Yun, at birth, he was small enough to fit in the palms of his parents. When it became clear that the child was growing very slowly, doctors diagnosed the cause as the bone deformity osteogenesis imperfecta, which inhibits normal bone growth and height. He is a heavy smoker.


Welcome to the Last Zone in The Miracle World, strange but real, namely the MURI zone, the Indonesian World Record Museum. Please visitors can download the Augmented Reality application from MURI, so they can play the application on every award banner that the Indonesian people receive.

Rekor-Dunia Indonesia Museum

The Indonesian World Record Museum or MURI is a museum founded by Jaya Suprana. Jaya Suprana initiated the establishment of the Indonesian Record Museum, now known as the Indonesian World Record Museum which has given appreciation to the more than 10,000 records that have been achieved by Indonesian society. Established since 1971, MURI is a place of appreciation for Indonesian youth who are passionate about creativity.

President of Indonesia

The 7 Indonesian presidents who have served since Indonesia’s independence are: President President who scored a MURI record. The presidents are:

  1. Ir Soekarno
  2. Soeharto
  3. B.J Habibie
  4. Abdurahman Wahid
  5. Megawati Soekarno Putri
  6. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
  7. Joko Widodo

Siti Badriah – Lagi Cantik Song

Siti Badriah is a dangdut singer who set a MURI record because her song entitled “Lagi Cantik” managed to break through 500,000 downloads in one day, the viral hit “Lagi Cantik” brought Siti Badriah to an amazing record

Sama Dance Performance by The Most Dancer

By Gayo Lues District Government, Aceh, August 13 2017. This record broke a record with thousands of people dancing the Saman (Acehnese dance) together.

The Largest Wood Carved Alquran

Alquran around the world, but you can only find the largest Koran with wood carvings in Palembang, South Sumatra. How come? The Koran is carved on a tembesu wood surface with a height of 177 centimeters, a width of 140 centimeters, and a thickness of 2.5 centimeters.

The Highest of Mountain of Chips

The mountain of chips consists of 240 kilograms of tempeh chips, 50 kilograms of purple cassava chips, 50 kilograms of cassava chips and 15 kilograms of chips made from cassava flour.
Tempe chips are more dominant because Ngawi Regency is famous for producing tempeh. Several areas in Ngawi Regency as tempe-producing centers have reached several cities, including Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

The Most Sampe

Sampe, which is called sape in another dialect, means ‘picking with the fingers’, is a traditional cultural work of the Dayak tribe which is highly respected for stringed musical instruments.
Played by plucking strings through the fingers of both hands, it produces a serene, calm and sad tone that brings dreaminess to the image, both expressions of joy and sorrow. Behind the solemn tone that they produce, there is local wisdom that is in harmony with nature conservation and the virtues of life.

Installation of merah-putih cloth on The Cliffs of Pandawa Beach

The Pandawa Red and White Pledge activity which was accompanied by the installation of a 400-meter long and 4 meters wide red and white cloth aimed at conveying a firm message to anti-Pancasila radical groups that they would face all components of the nation in general and those in Bali in particular.

Please visitors can also see the MURI Souvenir glass window, where various souvenirs from the Indonesian World Record Museum are stored, both in the form of Tote Bags, Books, Pencils, and Glasses with the MURI logo.

Henceforth, visitors can choose seats in the MURI Theater Room. , where visitors will be presented with the amazing Indonesian Record Film, which has been achieved by the Indonesian people, and also a film about the history of the founding of the Indonesian World Record Museum.

For the last one before heading to the Wahana exit, visitors can Try the Photobooth from MURI, in this Photobooth visitors can feel the sensation of receiving a MURI record directly from Mr. Jaya Suprana as the initiator and owner of the Indonesian World Record Museum.

So many adventures with The Miracle Aneh Tapi Nyata and the MURI Museum of the World and Indonesia, hopefully, we will be able to serve you and your brothers and sisters again on another occasion. Have a nice day and see you soon. Greetings Culture.